Editor Settings

IDE / Editor config

The react-dev-inspector could launch your local IDE/Editor application with file path, but which one will be open?

In fact, it uses an environment variable named REACT_EDITOR to specify an IDE application.

For example, if you want it always open VSCode when inspection clicked, set export REACT_EDITOR=code in your shell config like .bashrc or .zshrc.

# `code` is the command-line-tool of VSCode
export REACT_EDITOR=code

Note: Don't forget restart shell or IDE to reload the updated environment variables.


Note: if you do NOT specify the environment variable of REACT_EDITOR, react-dev-inspector will temporarily set it to code by default. This means that VSCode will be used as the default editor.
This setting is designed to be broadly applicable for a wide range of users.


Install VSCode command line tools, follow the official docs (opens in a new tab), you need to run the command: >Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH install-vscode-cli

Set env to shell, like .bashrc or .zshrc

export REACT_EDITOR=code


Just set env with an absolute path to shell, like .bashrc or .zshrc (only MacOS)

export REACT_EDITOR='/Applications/'


Install WebStorm command line tools: install-webstorm-cli

Then set env to shell, like .bashrc or .zshrc:

export REACT_EDITOR=webstorm

Nvim / Vim

Yes! you can also use nvim/vim if you want, just set env to shell

export REACT_EDITOR=nvim
# or
export REACT_EDITOR=vim